Concealed Carry
Over the last couple decades concealed carry laws have become commonplace throughout almost every state in the country. Concealed carry is when a person is carrying a weapon, typically a firearm, on or in close proximity to their person.
Welcome To ConcealCarry

Open Carry
Many states also allow open carry (where your firearm is in plain view) although there are relatively few citizens who choose this method for carrying

Carry Holster
Choosing a holster is the last big step to getting started with concealed carry. There are several different ways to carry your firearm. Most people

Carry Pistol
The next step is to choose a weapon. This can be a complicated process, especially for someone new to firearms. There are two main types of handguns
Recent News
Guns in America
If you’re considering a gun for your home or just want to better understand how difficult or easy it is for others to get their hands on weapons
Don’t Try an’ Take My Guns Away
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How 2013 Will Reshape Gun Control
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VA Benefits
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