It’s amazing how people have successfully adopted the modern ways of living and yet ancient hobbies still exist today. While it means that we still embrace the old world ways of passing the time, it doesn’t mean we haven’t completely evolved as human beings. We could just be enjoying the idea of doing some things the ancient way and one of these many ways is to play the sports of Archery. It’s interesting how this game has evolved to something that we now find fun when this recreation, 25,000 years ago used to be how people hunt. It’s also become a defense system during battles.

The first people who utilized Archery originally were the Egyptians. Several archery equipments discovered by archeologists were found in the Egyptian ruins. But it’s not just the Egyptians who were bold enough to make use of this skill, Mongolians were able to use Archery as well. It has been considered as one of the most important and useful gears for war. Goths and Visigoths from Europe were also familiar with this type of skill. In movies with primordial warfare, archery is often associated especially as a war tool by people in America, Africa and the Arctic regions.

Bows and arrows were primarily used for hunting and open field warring during medieval times and yet, these same tools were also used both for sports and recreation. Ancient people didn’t only live to hunt and eat, but they also delight on spending their time on popular sports. Though this skill has been present for a long time, it was only in 1870 when the Royal Toxophilite Society in England has promoted it as an amateur sport. Since then, this sport has become popular among archery lovers. The great leap for fully recognizing Archery as an Olympic Sport was during the years 1900, 1904 and 1920. But for some odd reasons, the game was only reintroduced to the public in 1972 and it was that same year when Archery was put into application.

There are different ways how bow and arrow used for archery were materialized. Its primary material was wood but there were some who used metal, and ligaments from animals as materials. The big difference is seen on modern bows though these are specifically meant to enhance the scientific engineering for accuracy. Yet, there are still some who prefer to use conventional materials in equipments for archery.

Today, there is a wide variety of bow and arrow available for the modern archery lovers. Variation may differ on the materials, sizes and cost of each. No matter, this is enough to make sure that anyone who loves archery has the freedom to find the right pair for them.

A Compound Bow is a type of equipment used for Archery that is composed of pulleys and cables. This was popularized in the 1970s. A most popular type of Compound Bow is the Crossbow, which we all have heard of. But the most popular type is the Straight bow, which came from the English Longbow. Though it’s popular, what is commonly used in the Olympics is a re-curved bow. It’s not only used for Olympics, but it’s also the most highly used bow by modern archers. It’s basically made for high precision and quality.

You can find different types of archery bows or pistols for sale from your favorite sports store or online store. You can also find various types of pistols from the mentioned places too. Whichever sports you prefer, do what you can to enjoy the thrill of sports. Try Archery for a change and you could be experiencing the best time of your life that most people are already enjoying!