Being Prepared for Self-Defense

We’d like to thank Michael who was the guest post author for this article on self-defense. I had a roommate once who couldn’t believe that I had never before punched someone, let alone that I had never been in a fight. His family is really into martial arts, and he...

Is 2012 The Year for Illinois?

The past several years Illinois has introduced legislation for concealed carry, but each year the vote comes up short (not by much the past couple years). Again in 2012, they are considering legislation to include Illinois with the other 49 states to allow some sort...

A Little Innovation for Concealed Carry

Concealed carry often drives people in different directions. It can definitely be a hot topic and those who have to make determinations about concealed carry often have hard choices to look at. Individuals have to look at how they carry, the house they live in, or...

Guns in the Workplace

A common issue with concealed carry permit holders is deciding whether or not you can/should carry your gun at work. One’s place of employment is typically one of the top 3 places where you spend your time. There are also many issues that can affect other people’s...