Carry holster

Choosing a Concealed Carry Holster

Choosing a holster is the last big step to getting started with concealed carry. There are several different ways to carry your firearm. Most people recommend carrying on your person (as opposed to a bag or purse) but both are viable options. The typical way to carry a firearm is on your hip.

Outside or Inside the Waist Band Holsters

There are holsters are made to be worn on your belt outside your pants or waistband (OWB), which is the most common way seen in movies or with law enforcement. A very common method for concealed carry is inside the waistband (IWB). The holster sits on the inside of your pants and is hooked to your belt, so the barrel of the gun is concealed much better. You can conceal your weapon with a t-shirt pretty well.

Alternative Concealed Holsters

Other types include shoulder holsters, ankle holsters, vests and jackets with pockets for firearms, deep concealment carry (bands that hold your firearm inside your pants so it is not visible at all), purses made for concealed carry, fanny packs, briefcases, and other ways of carrying a concealed firearm. Most people who carry concealed have boxes of holsters that they’ve tried and either moved on from or use in certain situations. Some have a different holster for work, casual dress, suit and tie, or other types of dress that they have. This is often a trial and error test to get the right holster for you, but you can get a few solid holsters that can cover most of your needs.